Aaron Silverman – Founder and CEO

I started my real estate entrepreneur journey in December 2006 as an investor with the BRRRR model (Buy, Remodel, Refinance, Rent and Repeat).  Real estate life was good and the acquistion model was working awesomely until the market kicked me in the teeth in the summer of 2008.  Although the property values tumbled and I could no longer finance new acquisitions, my investment company’s properties remained rented. 

In 2012, I opened a property management company in Charleston, SC area, Bluewater Property Management, LLC, and the company started acquiring clients in 2013.

As a rental property owner and Property Manager-in-Charge, I understand the value of real estate and the long-term wealth it creates.  I still like the single family remodeling process, but my focus has shifted to multifamily property ownership for the long run. 

In aquiring multifamily properties, I work with investors to syndicate the acquistion and manage the asset to meet investment objects.

My Personal Philosophy:
Just a dude trying to navigate life – family, soccer, real estate entrepreneur. My goal is to “leave it better than I found it.”

